Cinema and freedom

Cinema e libertá I Carteles de Cine cubani

The Cuban Carteles de Cine edited by Luigino Bardellotto
Adolfo Conti and Patrizio De Mattio

Palazzo del Fulgor Fellini Museum

Cuba, 1959. It is a time of political and social revolution, but also artistic. The first protagonist is Cinema, as an innovative and anti-commercial work of art.
The way of communicating it also changes. After the old posters with the stars and the main scenes, the viewer is now offered a completely different poster with cutting-edge visual metaphors.
From the Bardellotto collection comes a review of the most beautiful, surprising and ingenious posters such as those created for the films of Fellini, Truffaut, Losey, Kurosawa…

René Azcuy Cardenas, Stolen Kisses, 1970.